Michael Ferro maintains Patent #10360675, a US patent for methods and systems utilized for automatic analysis of clinical images. Michael Ferro is actively involved in the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology in healthcare settings. He holds numerous patents that rely on image recognition and analysis, such as #10360675 which was patented by Ferro in 2016.
This patent refers to methods and systems that automatically analyze clinical images. This process relies on the use of preset rules and image analytics techniques. Integrating a form of AI, or machine learning, the electronic processor involved in these systems is able to generate a diagnosis from analyzing an image. This is attributed to training information and graphical reporting set in the rules and image analytics.
The learning engine associated with this patent can be used to analyze medical images and to provide diagnostic information on the data presented.
Michael Ferro
Michael Ferro is a Healthcare Tech Entrepreneur and 2021 Top Healthcare Tech Entrepreneur of the Year.